Tuesday, February 1, 2011

{ Family Pictures }

She did an AMAZING job!!

 I'm Pretty sure I have the BEST family in the world!! The only thing better, would be to have them all live close!!(we miss you Spens and Hailey!)

 My sister Tiffany and her Husband Cody
 My HANDSOME Kypton in the Skinny Jeans I made him! (Zach forgot to pack his shoes!)
Look how good she did editing!! I bet you didn't know that he had two black eyes and a swollen nose!!

Zach totally freaks me out when he does this! But I guess that's what Dads are for, Right?!?
 My sister Mandie and her Cute Family!
 My Mom and Dad...The people that started it all!!
My Brother Spencer and his cute family! ( you can't blame for wanting them to move closer, can you?!?)



  1. So glad you guys like them!! Loved your whole family. Thanks again for having me take them:)!

  2. cute pictures! I don't want this to sound weird, but your brother Spencer's wife totally looks like one of the Sister Wives. haha. I think she's gorgeous! Kypton is too cute in those pictures!

  3. wow those pictures are way good. who did them? love em. and i miss you tons you never got back to me the other day! love you

  4. I seriously love these pictures! How cute is Kypton?! I miss him.
