Tuesday, December 14, 2010

{ Yummy Christmas PopCorn! }

If your Looking for an Easy Neighbor Gift, or even just a delicious Treat!
This is for you!!

All you need is......Butter Popcorn, Mini Marshmallows, White, red and Green Chocolate Discs( You can find these at Roberts, or Michaels. I'm sure they have them other places as well!)

Pop your Popcorn, and put it in a regular mixing bowl.
Add 2 cups of mini Marshmellows( just as they are)
mix around.

Take half of your white chocolate discs, and put them in the microwave for 1 min.
Stir (even if they aren't all the way melted, they will melt as soon as your start stirring!)

Lay out on wax paper.

Take 10 Green Disc and 10 red disc, Melt in microwave (in there own individual bowls.) for 1 min. 
Take out and stir.

Get a fork and drizzle it over your popcorn!



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